A unique concept
The 48h du Gazon Sport Pro was created to meet the concrete requirements from professional grounds sports groundsmen and club directors : golf courses, horse racetracks, football and rugby pitches. It is an event where professional challenges and experiences are shared.
After 2 editions in 2015 and 2017 at the Stade de France, the 2019 edition took place at the Hippodrome ParisLongchamp. It will be back at the Hippodrome ParisLongchamp Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th, November 2021 !
1 key date : November is a month when groundskeepers and directors decide on their 2022 investments. It is also a period when groundsmen and club directors are more available.
3 000 visitors : groundsmen, directors of turf grounds for professional sports, gardeners, local authorities, installers and dealers come to meet suppliers of inputs, green space materials, creation, light therapy, and decoration, accessories, services etc…
NEW : professionals greenkeepers of amateur sports grounds have the same suppliers than professional sports grounds’. Therefore, we decided to open the event to this very important target.
15 conferences and 2 seminars : The conferences were organised per sport and round tables will deal with questions that are common to all four sports and will be managed by prestigious presenters.
The only French event dedicated to the maintenance of turf grounds for professional sports.